Our Catering Feature is Your Partner in Growing the Bottom Line of Your Restaurant
Expand your restaurant business by growing sales and expanding your customer-base with Catering Orders. NovaDine can help your restaurant attract Catering Orders as a service type and manage each order easily, efficiently and effectively.
With NovaDine’s Catering Editor, your restaurant can sort, include, edit and adjust components of any Catering Package/Items so that every order receives the personal attention you want for your customers—and ultimately grow your bottom line.
NovaDine’s Catering Orders as a service type enables restaurant chains to:
- Customize Catering Orders features such as available hours, menu items, item availability and location availability
- Define standards for Catering Orders such as prep time, lead time, payment options, minimum order amount, etc.
- Attract more business by partnering with our Call Center to allow customers to place large Catering Orders over the phone
- Integrate Catering Orders as a service type with Delivery providers
- Use alongside Order Throttling feature to control Catering Orders during peak restaurant hours
NovaDine’s Catering Editor quickly allows users to:
- Easily manage packing lists of components for Catering Orders with this menu feature
- Set up elements of Catering Packages/Items to be included such as number of plates, napkins, serving trays, etc.
- Designate package sizes and allow for partial-use of packages. This will allow stores to easily track their package usage for included catering packaged items.